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发布时间:2023-08-14 人气:.. 作者

✅因此,在这一部分主要是针对所研究的问题或者假设提出作者认为的答案,是对本篇论文阐述的内容以及所得出的发现做出高屋建瓴的解释, 以及对当前解决方法不足的讨论和对未来的展望。

We have shown that XXX methods can achieve an order-of-magnitude acceleration in hemodynamic response sampling by combining dense head coil array parallel data acquisition with distributed source modeling.(reiterating the purpose of the study重申研究的目的)
Applying XXX to study the visual system using an event-related design,we found that the method is both sensitive and reliable, as demonstrated in the individual participant and group average results(stating the main approach + main findings 说明主要方法和发现).L ocalization accuracy was examined by comparing the XXX and conventional EPI task-related activity in primary visual cortex, with the comparison revealing a good spatial match (approximately 5 mm)between the two methods (main findings 主要发现).Our results in the visual cortex show a faster BOLD-contrast response compared to conventional EPI (stating the main conclusions主要结论).


Our results in the visual cortex show a faster BOLD-contrast response compared to conventional EPI. This is comparable to previous results(Janzet al., 1997; Pfeuffer et al., 2002). In comparison to previous
studies, XXX methods exhibit two principal advantages…….(讨论文献中根据已有信息得出的关键结果。引用相关作品,比较和解释你的发现。)
We found that XXX acquisition and reconstruction had sufficient sensitivity to reliably detect task-related activity in primary visual areas with high temporal resolution; we also found in this study that we had reduced false positive activation compared to our first XXX attempts (L in et al., 2006a). This is because the current implementation has better matching between the reference scan and the XXX scan: both scans used the same 3D RF excitation,frequency encoding, and phase encoding. The only difference is that the reference scan had partition encoding steps, but the XXX scans did not. The improved matching between the reference scans and the XXX acquisitions, as quantifier.
It helps to generate a better reconstruction with higher sensitivity and reduced false positive activation.(解释你的发现,如果有意想不到甚至是不尽如人意的结果,都不要逃避。 讨论这些发现,并就该发现提出建议。陈述此项发现对于临床和/或科学含义)


However, D and D* here not equal to ADC b50 -750 and ADC b0-50 in absolute value, respectively. This discrepancy may be attributed to the limitation imposed by the MR software used in this study in which the minimum b value was restricted to-··.. appropriate combination of b values for the separation of perfusion and diffusion must be
investigated in detail. However, many clinical MR systems may limit the arbitrary setting used in the magnitude and/or the number of b values.

We divided the normal ADC of human skeletal muscle into ADC b0-50 and ADCb50 -750 based on the finding that there were two straight lines with different slopes in the SI vs. b-value logarithmic plots for skeletal muscle. Regardless of the muscle studied, the value of ADCbO- 50, reflecting both diffusion and perfusion, was significantly higher than that of ADCb50-750, which approximates a true diffusion coefficient for skeletal muscle·…·•Further research on the relationship of ADC with skeletal muscle architecture, fiber type, physiological function, metabolism, maturation level, aging and muscle injury is necessary for the application of DWl in clinical medicine and sports sciences.北美专业essaydues法学final exam代考


